
“Ground” is a new Telugu movie directed by Suraj Tadi. It stars Tejaswini Maragoni, Harinath Raj Kuntamukkula, Nagaraj Badhavath, Vasishta Kunde, Durga Bhavani Sanaboina, Preethi Patra, Bhoopathi Patendla, Gopichand Alla, Rajesh Perka, Pradeep Patra, and Praveen Kinthali. The movie was released on February 23, 2024.

In this article, we’ll cover the important details about the movie, including its story, release date, trailer, where to watch it, and the talented cast. Read our review to learn more about how the movie is!


Release Date23 February 2024
Star CastTejaswini Maragoni, Harinath Raj Kuntamukkula, Nagaraj Badhavath, Vasishta Kunde, Durga Bhavani Sanaboina, Preethi Patra, Bhoopathi Patendla, Gopichand Alla, Rajesh Perka, Pradeep Patra, Praveen Kinthali
DirectorSuraj Tadi
ProducerSuraj Tadi
MusicBhaskar Appalla
CinematographerJaheer Basha
EditorJaheer Basha
WriterVijay Gattu
Production CompaniesCineCode Studios


Ground tells the story of a group of friends who meet at a local park to play cricket on a regular Sunday. The film explores different sides of friendship, especially when unexpected things happen. This makes Ground an interesting and meaningful movie.

The story highlights the importance of relationships and the uncertain nature of life, making it both uplifting and relatable.

The Crew of Ground

The movie features a talented cast, including Tejaswini Maragoni, Harinath Raj Kuntamukkula, Nagaraj Badhavath, Vasishta Kunde, Durga Bhavani Sanaboina, Preethi Patra, Bhoopathi Patendla, Gopichand Alla, Rajesh Perka, Pradeep Patra, and Praveen Kinthali. Each actor brings their own unique style to the film, making the characters relatable and well-developed.

The chemistry between the cast and their performances are expected to be highlights of the film, setting it apart from others and adding excitement to the story.


The cast of Ground includes many talented actors. It features well-known stars alongside new faces, and they all perform wonderfully. Each character feels real, which makes the story even more engaging. With such a skilled group of actors, it’s no surprise that Ground is expected to be a big success. The cast delivers strong performances, with each actor shining in their role.


Ground is set to be an amazing movie in Telugu cinema, featuring an engaging story. With its talented cast, creative director, and captivating plot, the film will take viewers on a journey through everyday life while revealing the extraordinary moments hidden within it.

As February 23, 2024, approaches, the film is sure to connect with audiences, leaving a lasting impact even after it ends.



In conclusion, Ground is a noteworthy movie with an average rating. It features a great story, a talented cast, and good direction and visuals. This film shows what a good movie can be, thanks to Suraj Tadi, along with the editor and producer. Whether you enjoy action, drama, or just a good story, this movie has something fresh for you. Don’t miss the chance to see it! The film gets a rating of 2.75 out of 5 stars.


What is the release date of the movie Ground?

The movie Ground was released in theaters on February 23, 2024.

Who is the director of Ground?

The movie is directed by Suraj Tadi.

Who are the actors in Ground?

The cast includes Tejaswini Maragoni, Harinath Raj Kuntamukkula, Nagaraj Badhavath, Vasishta Kunde, Durga Bhavani Sanaboina, Preethi Patra, Bhoopathi Patendla, Gopichand Alla, Rajesh Perka, Pradeep Patra, and Praveen Kinthali.

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